The Holy Bible Books' Summaries
Here are the complete book titles of the Holy Bible, King James Version, from both the Old Testament and New Testament. Later on, I will blog about each book, providing short summaries along with a bit of my interpretation. You can look them up yourself by asking AI systems like Gemini or ChatGPT to provide summaries of each book to help you understand them without any interpretations. You have the freedom to interpret the books in your own way, and of course, you can also consult experts who have studied them extensively. AI has been trained with this kind of knowledge as well and is a great resource for learning more about the Holy Bible, thanks to current technology. I want to emphasize that nothing will be taken out of context from the Holy Bible; it will remain as it is. Here is a list of all the books in the Old Testament of the Bible, typically recognized in the Christian tradition. The order and names may vary slightly depending on the Christian denomination (Protestant, Cath...