AI Generated Music
I don’t really have the time, nor have I found anyone worth my time to collaborate with on my music production. Plus, I enjoy creating and recording on my own. As for gear or learning about recording software, you can pretty much learn everything now on the internet, especially on YouTube and Facebook. Perhaps if I were younger, I would likely use what I know today as a music producer to hang out with my peers, the cool musicians, that sort of thing. I did that in my younger days, but I wasn’t a musician at the time—just someone who really liked music. Even today, there are many music producers my age (50 and up) who use their musical skills to mingle with all sorts of musicians. For someone like me, time is an issue, as I am also trying to perfect my novel writing in the Science Fiction genre. The reality of making ends meet with a security guard salary, and being a targeted individual on top of that due to my creative passions, is undeniable. Social prejudices and ignorance are...