VP - Record Album 2025
As I mentioned before in my bio on my main music website, VincentProjects.net, I am all in for the evolution of music; regardless of the genre, the type of instruments used, the technological platforms, or even the humanoids performing the songs. Kidding aside about robots selling concert tickets. Though, that would make an interesting premise for a science fiction theory in my upcoming book, perhaps with a dystopian twist.
For now, the general public seems to predict that artificial intelligence will take over, possibly manipulated by reptilians orbiting invisibly in the exosphere, just beyond human perception, waiting for the right moment to exploit our vulnerabilities. I imagine they’re already rubbing their hands together and licking their lips, eyeing another planet on their conquest list, like in Predator.
“Yes, our agents created the supreme worldwide net,” they applaud.
That’s why bloggers and authors like myself feel compelled to write. Maybe the holy side of the aliens is using me as some sort of literary probe. I kid you not, although sometimes, I do wonder. I did grow up around farmlands as a child, trying to connect the phenomenon of farmers sighting UFOs and their cows being abducted. Except, only for no one to believe them. Just someone like myself raising an eyebrow.
Anyway, maybe this is all some sort of “five steps ahead” strategy against the invading predators from other planets. Kind of like Nikocado Avocado talking about his bizarre yet fascinating transformation to make his “haters” or whoever mocked him jealous. Though that's not my intention either. Honestly, it feels awkward making people jealous. I mean, what do you even get from that, other than attracting a mate or becoming a better target? Lol.
I do carry a ray gun, so stay far away from me, my castaway homie (gangstalker scapegoat)—assuming, of course, that they’ve already been implanted with atom chips by the reptilians. Or even worse, maybe they’re shapeshifters masquerading as earthlings.
I’m still trying to figure out how Nikocado did it but not the princess transformation part. No, I’m straight. Though, I do code a lot about femininity and female themes in my creative projects.
I’m guessing he was a guinea pig for Ozempic or another generic brand and was given permission to document the weight gain transformation on social media, hysterically, while confidently believing he would lose it. And miraculously, he did. Now he’s got the money to be whoever he/she wants as part of the “five steps ahead” scheme.
If you’ve been following my blog lately, I previously wrote about why I took down my distributed music albums from commercial platforms like Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, and others. Basically, I removed them from three different distribution websites: CD Baby, TuneCore, and DistroKid. Even Bandcamp and SoundCloud.
I wasn’t satisfied with the genre categorization and considered reorganizing them differently, including the ones that were already categorized. Wanting a better album cover design was another reason that prompted me to take them down.
This isn’t a record label, but it’s fairly affordable to join. They do offer options for getting signed. Even if you’re more focused on increasing your streams rather than performing on stage, there are still opportunities available. Additionally, there are networks of both well-known and emerging DJs where you can submit your tracks for worldwide play, primarily in the EDM genre.
Just make sure your productions aren’t copyrighted. If you use samples, they must be from before 1927 to be safe from copyright issues. If they’re from after that, you must get permission. Although, some still use them without clearance. Some are called royalty-free samples, which I use in a lot of my tracks, along with Splice, which I also recommend.
However, be cautious when using platforms like Splice or any royalty-free samples, as many other producers use the same sounds. That’s why it’s important to make significant, unrecognizable adjustments in your DAW before distributing your music or submitting it to record labels. Otherwise, distributors and labels may reject it.
Better yet, use artificial intelligence music platforms to guarantee that your track is original and not copyrighted, depending on the terms you agree to. That said, many AI-generated songs come from historical music that was fed into Microsoft machines, rearranged into multilayers based on prompts.
For now, and I don’t know for how long, it’s okay to use them for commercial distribution.
To get a glimpse of my latest 13 record album covers and read the descriptions of each album I’m currently working on for 2025, just click my MUSIC section. Who knows? Maybe it won’t be just 13 albums. Maybe even more!
Although I can’t guarantee that all of them will be released in 2025, since my free time is limited for an all-day and all-night lab sessions, sniffing coke to stay up for another all-day and all-night. Just kidding about the cocaine part; my doctor doesn’t recommend it, anymore. Just limited donuts and other pastries with coffee is an exception due to diabetes.
These album covers aren’t just something I put together. I created them not only to complement my releases under Vincent Projects but also to add to my portfolio as a freelance graphic designer, alongside working in security to make ends meet. I also plan to design album covers for other artists, whether I release all 13 albums in 2025 or it takes longer.
Book covers are another key part of my portfolio, specifically for eBooks. Additionally, typography will be a priority, which includes formatting manuscripts into eBooks, EPUBs, and paperbacks, as well as adding graphics and other design elements to pages. I’ll return to these tasks once I complete these 13 albums (give or take) this year.
I know, the book-to-movie dream I’ve been anticipating is taking much longer than expected. It’s not as diversified as it seems in the big picture. Maybe my castaway homie is partly to blame, adding to the struggle of bringing my books to life on the big screen.
Luckily, AI is advancing fast, and programmers are already making significant progress in filmmaking, accelerating the production process. And I can’t wait—not necessarily for my current books, which isn’t widely exposed. Or maybe it is. Let’s just blame my castaway homie for keeping the curtain closed.
I’ll probably write scripts or novellas instead. I wouldn’t be surprised if, one day, there’s a platform where you can simply upload a book, any book, and within minutes, it’s converted into a film with just a bit of additional editing. In the beginning, only the privileged with money will have access to this.
Sorry for keeping you engaged, but I might end up writing another 500 pages of dystopian theory on this blog. But just click here if you want to listen to my tracks on SoundCloud.
And if you want to promote your AI-generated music or a production you created on Splice and want to distribute it to platforms like SoundCloud or DistroKid, go ahead and experiment with Logic Pro X from Apple. There are tons of online tutorials on how to use the software, especially on YouTube, so don’t be intimidated. Really! You must learn it. You still need to enhance the sound quality to meet commercial standards.
Unless you’re just uploading to SoundCloud, since it also offers a mastering option for your tracks before distribution.
Another thing, you’ll need to join their Artist Pro plan to allow their algorithm to match your music with the right listeners. Hiring promoters to help increase your streams is also acceptable.
I wasn’t careful at first, as I was naive about bots. Although some suggest they have advantages. I don’t recommend using bots, as they may go against SoundCloud’s rules, though I still see them around.
So here are some promoters for SoundCloud that, as far as I know, are not bots but actual listeners and music producers—spying on everyone’s styles and evolving. And be nice when it comes to comments. I’m sure the algorithm can detect when it’s the castaway homie being rude, because your music is cool. And it wouldn’t just be the machine that would fart away this shady, crack ass out of the galaxy, but your devoted listeners as well. Please be nice.
The best part? They’re affordable:
-The Supreme Team from Austin Texas
-Toyon99 Music Promotion King (Fiverr)
Enjoy making making music...
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