VC Writes Blogger

Hi, I'm Vincent Casil from San Jose, California. And I'm here to blog. I also have a main website where I blog, but I keep that blog for my science fiction writing and other work that I want to share with people who are interested in my profession, such as my music using electronic devices installed with artificial intelligence, for instance. I'll be sharing that content here as well, but I'll also be adding additional topics that I would only share on Facebook, such as my grocery shopping experiences—cooking things like that. Even as simple as boiling eggs.

There's no reason for it, but I just felt like opening another one. I think people on Facebook might think I'm trying to make myself too special, so I wanted to keep this one separate. I'm not using this as a way to document anything but rather as a way to express myself. You could say I'm addicted to editing my mobile images, posting them, adding funny captions, and making up stories. It's an exercise for me.

I wouldn't want to make a few of my aunts concerned about alien abductions by posting about it on Facebook. As far as I know, I'm already blocked as a tribe member. Maybe the Reptilians are trying to break those relations. Whatever the case, I'll be posting here.


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